Dream : what is your wish for a better world?

If someone where to ask you
 "what is your wish for a better world?"
 what would you say? 

Well  the Google Impact Challenge is asking us just that. As part of the promotion - you can go to a webpage  and you can write your wish for what you think will make a better world  and send it off out into cyberspace ...... 
You can also click on the little triangle wishes and see what the world is wishing for.
It was great stimulus to reflect and say out-loud my positive wishes - felt very Power of Intention / Law of Attraction like! 

Dreaming for a better world- takes my mind to the words of  Mahatma Gandhi

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

Today is a good day to Dream big and Dream how You can change to change your world !

Impact Challenge blurb  from the Google webpage 

"A better world, faster 
 - Google has always believed that technology can make a better world. Through projects like Google for Non-profits and Google Crisis Response, we offer help and support to non-profits to achieve this goal, faster. The Google Impact Challenge supports non-profits using technology to tackle problems and transform lives. After running in India, Brazil and the United States, the Impact Challenge launched in Australia in July 2014."

Dream- a special place to open you mind to possibilities, of what you would like life to become. Dream big!


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