Celebrating YOUr Smile :-)

Its a wonderful thing to share a smile

“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable"

Joseph Addison

Everyone of us has a smile in us to share :-)  Celebrating YOUr smile is a great way to celebrating who YOU are and what an amazing positive effect YOU can have with YOUrself and with others.
3 ideas to bring about a smile

  1. Start a Pinterest Board of smiles you like and make YOU smile. Here is my Pinterest link to smiles I found today...  or if Pinterest isn't your thing just do google search of images for smiling :-)
  1. Look in the mirror and beam a smile to YOUr self :-) - have fun and make silly smiles too.
  1. Smile at people today and see if you can light up their faces too!

I Found the following  UTube video of a song that celebrates Your smile :-)

I like to click on link & play it in the background while reading the blog to raise my Positivity :-) x


You Make Me Smile Lyrics By Uncle Kracker


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