Nourishing: Make A Place Beautiful

Saw this and the words resonated with me. This is what Turquoise Island is all about to me, but I will need to expand.
1. "some people Look for a beautiful place"
I take "look" to mean searching for something external to ourselves, something on the outside.
I do this, I look for other people and things to make my place (LIFE) be how I want it to be - whether it be feelings of beauty, happiness, satisfaction... you can substitute the word 'beautiful" with the feeling or experience you are looking for. Of-course there is nothing new about this statement and I don't think there is anything wrong with it when its working for us. Its lovely to feel the beauty of being with another person or being in a special place. So I am all for actively looking.
However, as we all know, when we rely on the External, it may not deliver what we are looking for. We may look and look, but never really find. It is often beyond our control
2. "Make A Place Beautiful"
Is within our control. Actively seeking to make, create our own place (LIFE) be how we want it to be - whether it be feelings of beauty, happiness, satisfaction... again you can substitute the word 'beautiful" with the feeling or experience that is right for you right now. Of-course there is nothing new about this statement either, but making things happen, being responsible for outcome, is more likely to work for us.
3. "Others Make a Place Beautiful"
I'm particularly interested in a final thought that came to me when I reflected on the statement. Its one I'm currently exploring and which led me to the creation of this blog. (to fully understand the idea that set me off on this current journey of self- development click on my Aha! moment = this blog tab above)
My for ME to be the other and make the place beautiful.
Let me expand quickly!!! What I mean is that I'm currently working on my inner self/beauty, and my goal is that when I am in a Place, with other people, that I bring the fruits of that work with me, to that place and have a positive impact. Another way to say it might be : Shine Your Light. I want be a positive experience for others, when life throws me into their path ! (easier said than done I know!)
The reason for this is when the negative aspects about my personality strike, I often reflect and think, I have just switched the lights out in that place! with that person! So I am looking to improve myself - self improvement. I've actually been on this journey for many years. That journey has led me to this point and to this thinking. So Turquoise Island is about working from the inside out, our personality and then hopefully the fruit that comes from that will shine out to others :-).
The Present Moment is what we have right now - look around you and experiment with ways to make your light shine.
Please Share YOUR Light by commenting - please feel encouraged to positively inspire me and others :-)
Nourishing - a place of food for your thoughts: Self Development articles to provoke discussion, ideas and challenges for personal growth.
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