Encouraging: positive Evidence building - Best Life mindset technique

In my mind, part of  living my Best Life, is for me to have as healthy a lifestyle as I can manage to achieve at any given time.  And of-course results vary depending on what’s going on in my life

How well I'm achieving my Best Life goal is always directly related to
 my levels of motivation.

From my studies about the thinking mind, it is apparent that if we have a belief, then the mind is always looking for evidence to support and uphold that belief.
The strength of the commitment  to the belief 
is related to the evidence we build to uphold it.
For my Best Life mindset, I proactively want to strengthen the tipping point of my belief in the positivity of  fitness, healthy eating and plenty of sleep, as the way to a healthy life. I want to build the strength in that belief, so that it’s strong enough to get me off this chair and actively DO something positive towards achieving it. I need to motivate my thinking. So I'm always ACTIVELY on the lookout for evidence and inspiration to support that thinking. I want to think and feel so positive about a healthy lifestyle that I am motivated to do something about it!

NOTE : this technique of actively seeking evidence to build up and strengthen a positive belief in your mind of what you want to achieve, links to the Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) skill-set.  So even if right now you have a different belief today that you want to build up, in order to achieve your Best Life mindset, then use this post as an encouragement  for  you  to switch on your awareness  and  actively look to build up evidence that will  push you to tipping point of actually getting that belief in motion.

iImage: (STEVE CRANE/Flickr.com/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

So for you fellow believers in the positivity of fitness, healthy eating and plenty of sleep as way to a healthy life and are looking for some MORE motivation evidence this next bit is for you  J..... 
This week  as I was driving my car  in the Melbourne suburbs, I caught an interesting radio article from ABC RM about a recent scientific study of the impact of stressful life events accelerating the diseases of ageing on the immune system in older women and evidence that a good diet, exercise and sleep are directly beneficial at a biological level.

Follow the links

Directly listen to article; Stress and ageing Listen now  30 July 2014 

I hope if you've had a listen that this very current nugget of evidence is useful for you to add to your motivation file in your mind too  J! 

I would love for you to share your thoughts about proactive positive evidence building or your Best Life goals x

Encouraging – a place about creating your Best Life and making it happen!


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